Elgar's "The Dream of Gerontius" (1900) is called a sacred choral work
instead of an oratorio because, unlike an oratorio, it is
through-composed instead of being divided into movements. Base on the
1865 poem by Cardinal John Henry Newman, the work was last performed at
the Cincinnati May Festival in 1981, led by former music director James
"Gerontius" returned to the May Festival May 26 at the Taft Theater. On the podium was Michael Francis, 37, music director of the Florida Orchestra, in his May Festival debut.
Gerontius (meaning "old man") is on his way to the afterlife when
visions appear to him. There are angels, demons, a priest and friends
of the dying man (called "assistants" in the score).
performance by the May Festival Chorus, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra,
an ensemble of fine soloists, plus movement artists, made an outstanding
impression of the Taft Theater audience.
The orchestral prelude
was melancholy, setting the mood with a solo by principal violist
Christian Colberg. Gerontius (tenor Anthony Dean Griffey) prays to the
Virgin Mary and a projection of candles appeared behind the stage.
His Guardian Angel (mezzo-soprano (Michelle DeYoung, holding a lantern)
sits before him.
The orchestral prelude was melancholy, setting
the mood with a solo by principal violist Christian Colberg. Gerontius
(tenor Anthony Dean Griffey) prays to the Virgin Mary and a
projection of candles appeared behind the stage. His Guardian Angel
(mezzo-soprano (Michelle DeYoung, holding a lantern) sits before him..
The Priest (bass Matthew Brock) bids Gerontius farengelwell.
Gerontius' friends exit and his Soul begins its journey, accompanied by
the Guardian Angel.
On his way, Gerontius meets a chorus of
mocking demons, but his spirit revives. Projections behind the stage
changed from mountains and plains to a valley and then a rising sun. "I
am refreshed," sings Gerontius (Soul).
The hour of judgment has
come. As Gerontius nears it, the Angel and a choir of Angelicals urge
him to be brave. The souls of Purgatory and the Angel of Agony join in
and a huge blast emerged from the CSO. Gerontius has arrived in
Purgatory and his Guardian Angel assures him that she will "come and
wake three on the morrow."
The May Festival continues with Johann Sebastian Bach's Mass in B Minor at 8 p.m. Saturday (May 27) at the Taft Theater.